Route & Router
Route define a particular API endpoint which is a URI (or path) and a specific HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.).
Import dredgeRoute
to create a Route. It uses immutable builder pattern.
In route, You can define validators and one or more handler function also called middlewares. When the route matches, the validation will be executed and then middlewares will be executed.
import { dredgeRoute } from 'dredge-route';
const route = dredgeRoute();
const GetUsersRoute = route.path('/users').get().use((req, res) => {})
Router is a collection of route (and/or other routers). Import dredgeRouter
to create a router.
import { dredgeRouter } from 'dredge-route';
import { GetUsersRoute } from './route'
export const rootRouter = dredgeRouter([GetUsersRoute]);
export type RootRouter = typeof rootRouter;
Export the created router as well its Type.